Know The Difference : Cosmetics vs Cosmeceuticals vs Pharmaceuticals.

There is a growing market for a plethora of skin care and hair care products promising healthy and youthful  looks. They range from natural sources to organic to medicated products.
Given the growing interest in these products among patients and the strong claims made by manufacturers, it is important to recognize the differences and understand their benefits, limitations, and potential adverse effects.

Cosmetics : Cosmetics are beauty products that cover up or enhance the appearance and attractiveness of a person. For example make up products like foundation, concealer, nail paints, hair dyes etc. they temporarily adorn and beautify the skin. They don't usually have any active ingredient that cures or modifies one’s skin or hair condition. They usually have chemicals that are meant to give longer shelf life for the product, but one can develop allergic reactions to these chemicals. So be cautious and careful while selecting cosmetics.

Cosmeceuticals : They form a bridge between cosmetics and pharmaceutical drugs. They are usually available as OTC products and don't require a doctor's prescription for usage. 

Usually an active ingredient is added to the product to enhance the functionality and beauty of skin. The active ingredient is in lower concentrations. So even they don't treat the root cause.

ALpha hydroxy acids, vitamin c, vitamin e , supplements, topical retinoids are few examples of cosmeceuticals. The market has been growing and expanding exponentially but there is no clear evidence or studies on efficacy, benefits and side effects of these products. Always remember even a safe product can evoke redness, cause irritation, or clog pores if used inappropriately.

Prescription drugs/ pharmaceutical drugs : They are the pillars for allopathy. Pharmaceutical drugs can modify, change and cure diseases. They are usually backed with evidence based research and undergo many regulations and scrutiny. A doctor's prescription is mandatory for usage of these drugs as there is a certain time period, doses to use. Complete counselling and understanding of the drug is important for the drug to work efficiently and to avoid dangerous side effects. So Never ever buy pharmaceutical drugs without proper guidance from your doctor. 

So it is important to discuss with your dermatologist and choose products that best suit your skin and hair to avoid unforeseen complications.
