Holy Trinity For Healthy and Glowing Skin

Skin is the largest organ of our body. It is the main barrier between outer world (environment) and inner world (our health). It indicates not just beauty or attractiveness but also our health status and general wellbeing. Skin not only protects one from environmental factors, it also has other functions like:

-          Protection from UV damage

-          Hydration/Moisturization

-          Antimicrobial and immune protection

-          Protects from injuries etc.

In recent times, there has been a lot of emphasis and focus on skin care and its plethora of products. Everyday we see a new trend or marketing gimmick or an innovative product launch that promises to give you a healthy, glowing, and youthful skin, but how true are they? How efficient are they?   And Do you really need to try every product on market to fulfill your dream of beautiful skin?

Everyday our skin is exposed to myriad of particles or products. but not all of them are necessary. The three main products which are considered as THE HOLY TRINITY OF SKIN CARE are:

Ø  Cleansing (C)

Ø  Moisturization (M)

Ø  Sun Protection (S)

CLEANSING : At times overly done and the first basic step in your daily skin care regimen. Cleansing clears all the dirt, debris or dead cells that have built up on your skin. A clean and clear skin is important for other topical medications or cosmetics to absorb into skin. That is why you need to cleanse your face thoroughly and properly. Cleansing can be done with soaps, cleansers, face washes or just normal lukewarm water too depending on your skin type and skin conditions. PS : Always be gentle while cleansing as harsh cleansing can lead to disruption of skin barrier.

MOISTURIZATION : Easily forgotten and the second basic step in your daily skin care regimen. Moisturization is the key for healthy and glowing skin. Everybody irrespective of their skin types must develop the habit of applying moisturizer daily. Moisturization not only hydrates the skin but also keeps the barrier function of skin intact thereby protecting you  from infections and irritations. Depending on skin type and patient’s specific skin condition, variety of moisturizers are available both as OTC and medicated. Usually moisturizers are different for body and face. PS : Apply adequate amount of moisturizer daily, a minimum of 3-4 times in a day.

SUN PROTECTION : Most Neglected and the third basic step in your daily skin regimen. Sun protection is usually considered to avoid tan or pigmentation. But Did you know Sun protection Ie Sunscreens also protect from UV damage, delay signs of aging and provide additional moisturization. There is also a notion that sun protection is only needed when going outdoors. But even exposure to household lights or laptop screens constantly can cause pigmentation and aging signs. So it is a requisite to include Sunscreens for a blemish free and youthful skin. PS : Apply Sunscreen daily every 3-4 hours till evening. And Yes even at home.

All other products like toners, serums, exfoliators, enchancers etc.. whatever are present on market, whether natural or organic.. will only work efficiently if you follow above steps regularly and religiously. Medications meant to treat acne or pigmentation or specific skin condition, have to be used after Dermatologist’s consultation and maintained to avoid recurrences. So to conclude, CMS is the correct way to accomplish polished and clear skin.

Lastly, Healthy and glowing skin implies that there is a balance between internal and external factors. Internal factors includes hormones, nutrition, and your mental health. External factors include pollution, cosmetics or medications you apply to your skin, conditions of your work place etc. So its not just what and how you apply medications or creams to your skin, but also a healthy living and lifestyle modifications are mandatory to achieve and maintain healthy and glowing skin.
